
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Blasted 2

Another example of what the weather can do to trees in the Falklands, this example is based on a photo taken on Carcass Island. Happily this feeble specimen is not typical for trees on Carcass, that island is a real garden spot in our harsh climate.

There's palm trees there even...

....well....cabbage palms anyway.

For once I recorded the stages of this charcoal drawing, usually I'm in too much of a hurry.

Got another two commissions finished last week too. My lips are sealed though, they're both Christmas presents so can't be shown on here yet.


  1. Wonderful work Ben. I love these drawings, hope you didn't tie yourself to a tree like Van Gogh or was that Walter Anderson?!

  2. So energetic and wonderful - I can almost feel the wind!
